Traxxas did a little homework and spec’ed out a sick set of rubber capable of handling speeds in excess of 118mph. Z Rated tires, or the highest rated tires available, are good for vehicles travelling over 185mph. For instance, R Speed Rated tires are safe for up to 106mph. Performance car tires are given a rating based on construction and the maximum speeds at which they are safe to drive at. – If you’re any kind of motorsports enthusiast, you’ll know something about tires.

That translates to something like 3000hp or something. Yes, that’s a whopping total of 6S of power. This state-of-the-art system is capable of safely handling the pair of Traxxas 3S LiPos included. Traxxas teamed up with Castle Creations to provide them with a monster of a brushless system, thusly named the Mamba Monster Extreme. – Creating enough power to hit the century mark on the asphalt means a whole lot of power. The sleek styling, low profile tires and air-diverting chassis all show that the XO-1 is meant for one thing…pure speed. – The look of the XO-1 is something straight from the sidelines at LeMans. On top of that, it looks bad-ass doing so! I’m lucky enough to give the XO a go, I just have to find a section of freeway that isn’t being used! Traxxas has taken BIG power to the next level, stuffing a monster of a brushless motor into a 1/7th scale onroad car and feeding it with 2 3S LiPo packs! This super-sized supercar is capable of speeds exceeding 100mph all day long. Fast forward to 2012 and I would definitely have something to show them! “How fast does it go?” and “How much does it cost?” were the majority of the questions. Little did I realize that 95% of the customers had only 2 things on their mind price and speed. I figured if I helped them make a solid decision on their first purchase, they would stick with it, helping the industry grow. One reason for this was for the extra cash, but the other was because I wanted to help point RC beginners in the right direction. There was a time, awhile back, when I worked in a hobby shop.